Tag Archives: Security


Episode 7 – Put Your Debt to Work for You without Changing Your Lifestyle to WIN: Part 3

Are you wondering if the Private Banking Strategy can work for you? For Mr. Chiro and his family it did. They came out of complete hopelessness and slavery to their own debt, to a place financial freedom in just 73 months.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies pick up right where they left off in the previous episode and proceed to go into detail about the concepts that played a role in the financial journey for Mr. Chiro and his family. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • How Mr. Chiro and his family broke free of traditional banking and started using the “banker’s mentality” to their advantage
  • Why it’s the volume of interest that really matters – NOT the interest rate!
  • How they started their private bank
  • How little money they actually started with to implement this 200-year-old strategy
  • And more!

Tune in to hear Vance and Seth share some key takeaways and how this family found their way to financial freedom!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth HicksHow we help our Clients, The Chiro Story Video | The Chiro Story Illustrations | How to Grow Rich EBook | How to Grow Rich Audio book | Ep5 – Put Your Debt to Work for You: Part 1 | Ep6 – Put Your Debt to Work, Finding Financial Freedom: Part 2


Episode 6 – Put Your Debt to Work, Finding Financial Freedom: Part 2

On your journey to Financial Freedom, the first step is to highly value your money.  To do that, you need to put your money to work for you.

The techniques we teach you will help you find your way to financial freedom and out of debt faster than you realize.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies share the next part of a typical American family overburdened with debt.  They show you strategies of how Mr. Chiro put his money to work for his family, became financially free, and independently wealthy faster than he and his wife could have ever imagined.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How Americans are systematically programmed to use centralized banks so that the banks make all the money
  • How banking the traditional way most Americans have been programmed to use will never allow you to break free
  • How Private Banking Strategies creates a tailwind that accelerates you into Financial Freedom and wealth building
  • It is not the interest rate that matters …. it’s the volume of interest which truly matters
  • Why you need the seven pillars Private Banking Strategies at work in your life…
  • And more!

Tune in to hear more as we begin to scratch the surface on asset protection and financial privacy!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks |  How we help our Clients, The Chiro Story Video | The Chiro Story Illustrations | How to Grow Rich EBook | How to Grow Rich Audio book | Ep5 Put Your Debt to Work for You: Part 1


Episode 5 – Put Your Debt to Work for You: Part 1

The first thing we must do on our journey to Financial Freedom is highly value our money.  We do that by putting our money to work for us – not by putting it in a bank and letting the bank put it to work for the bank. 

If we value our money, we won’t let the banks make all the money off our deposits; we will create our own lending process where we put our hard-earned dollars to work for us in a special contract we call “Private Banking Strategies.” 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies share a client story of how a typical American family ended up with a mountain of debt.  They were in total despair until they met Vance and he showed them how Private Banking Strategies could set up an eight-year plan to help this family come completely out of debt.  Not only did they get out of debt, but they became financially free and independently wealthy faster than he and his wife could have ever imagined. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • That even a mountain of debt (almost half a million dollars) could not keep them down when they started using Private Banking Strategies
  • How easy it was for them to work this disciplined plan without working any harder or earning any more money than they already earned
  • How all they had to do was stop giving their money away, put it to work for themselves, and follow the eight-year roadmap Vance provided for them to follow
  • That you can put these same principles to work for yourself! And much more…

Tune in to find out how you can take control of your money, so money doesn’t control you!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks | How we help our Clients, The Chiro Story Video | The Chiro Story Illustrations | How to Grow Rich EBook | How to Grow Rich Audio book