Tag Archives: Infinite Banking Concept


What if I’m Uninsurable – Will Private Banking Strategies still work for me? (Ep 40)

Private Banking’s foundation is laid upon a carefully structured life insurance contract.  But what if the private banker is uninsurable? How do you implement and capture the benefits of the 7 Pillars of Private Banking when you are not insurable?  

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. provide secrets about how to structure a life insurance contract that allows families to soar with Private Banking no matter what their insurability is.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • The two sources of income: 1. People that work (over and over again to earn their money), and 2. money at work (money works for you) 
  • Why you want to be someone who has your “money at work” working for you
  • Why most people have yet to discover how to make money work for them 
  • How an insurable interest works 
  • How to use an insurable interest in your Private Banking Strategies 
  • The power of compounding interest
  • How to create wealth for the next generation
  • And more!


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