Tag Archives: Financial Advisor

Financial Freedom Is Closer Than You Think – Part 1 (Ep. 78)

People are often skeptical when told they can achieve financial freedom by financing their automobiles through their own bank. But once they understand, they’re eager to start. Private Banking Strategies® offers a guaranteed tax-free return, turning car purchases into substantial nest eggs.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies® compare two sisters who financed identical cars using different methods: one saved in a CD, and the other funded her own private bank. The results were striking: the “CD sister” lacked funds when she needed them, while the “Private Banking Strategy sister” had more than enough. This episode demonstrates the stark difference between these strategies and highlights how Private Banking Strategies® can provide financial security and peace of mind.

In this episode, Seth and Vance discuss:

  • The significant differences in each sisters’ outcomes despite equal investments
  • Why one strategy was far more effective
  • How to break free from the cycle of burning cash and lock in your own financial freedom and wealth creation
  • How to structure your own Private Banking Strategy
  • And much more!

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube channel: 

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/ 

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/ 

Boost Your Retirement Savings: A Smarter Way to Secure and Grow Your Money (Ep. 77)

In our modern society, our limited understanding of financial management and the options available to us, often hinders our ability to save adequately for a stable retirement.

Now is the time to reconsider your 401k and other traditional retirement plans and explore alternative methods of managing your finances that offer you more control and tax advantages.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. shed light on how government policies may impede your retirement savings and offer insights on reclaiming financial autonomy for a more secure future.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How to regain control of your savings.
  • The benefits of a tax-free retirement fund
  • How government-qualified retirement plans often exposing you to risk.
  • And much more

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

BlockHash: Exploring the Blockchain – Avoid Heavy Taxation on Your Assets – Part 3 (Ep. 58)

No matter your level of expertise in the cryptocurrency realm, “infinite banking concepts” emerge as the optimal choice for safeguarding any USD obtained from digital currencies.

 Private Banking Strategies® is dedicated to preserving the wealth accumulated through cryptocurrencies, guaranteeing its safety and the opportunity for continuous growth. Establishing a comprehensive life insurance policy delivers the utmost defense against burdensome taxation.

In this installment, Seth Hicks, Esq., explores the advantages of utilizing whole life insurance for acquired USD and sheds light on how this strategy can reshape your financial path, providing assurance of success across your entire investment portfolio 

Seth discusses:

  • Understanding the devaluation of the dollar caused by the national Debt.
  • Unlocking the potential of Infinite Banking Concepts for everyone, not just high net worth individuals.
  • Demystifying the IRS: Your rights and the limits of its financial authority.
  • And more…



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Portfolio Pulse Podcast – Guest Vance Lowe, CEO of Private Banking Strategies® (Ep. 56)

In this episode of Portfolio Paulse Podcast, Vance Lowe, CEO of Private Banking Strategies,® explains how Infinite banking, or the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), is a financial strategy that uses a whole life insurance policy as a personal banking system. It allows individuals to borrow from their policy’s cash value for investments, debt payments, and expenses instead of relying on traditional banks.

This strategy offers the advantage of accessing funds without market risks, as the cash value grows at a fixed rate and is unaffected by market fluctuations.

In this episode, Vance discusses the benefits of protecting money from market risks while ensuring access to funds for financial needs

Vance discusses:

  • The history of banking in the U.S. – the federal reserve.
  • How to use the same dollar more than once.
  • How Infinite Banking Concepts can help you get out of debt.
  • And more


Connect with Private Banking Strategies®:


What can you do with a college tuition? – Building A Bank for Future Generations (Ep 41)

Wealth is not built solely by working hard, but by putting money to work for you.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explain how to put a college tuition to work for you in a Private Banking Strategy ® and experience unparalleled results. They discuss how in four short years of funding a college tuition into a properly structured life insurance policy you can generate massive tax-free retirement income and at the same time use your bank to finance all of life’s needs including cars, homes, and investments along the way. 

Vance and Seth discuss and explain an illustration where parents fund a properly structured policy on their college-age child for 4 years with the equivalent of a $20,0000 college tuition. At retirement age, the child has over 2.6 million dollars in his policy of which he can draw out $150,000 tax-free for the rest of his life. And, just as importantly, the child is able to use the cash value in his policy at any time.  He is able to get multiple touches on the same dollar and capture the power of the velocity of money working for him. And the child will leave a future legacy to his wife, children, and grandchildren of 3.8 million dollars completely tax-free when he passes. 

(Take a look at “What can you do with a college tuition – Building a Bank for Future Generations” below in the resource section)

Listen as Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • How you can develop a strategy for passive tax-free income 
  • How to structure a rock-solid retirement with tax-free distributions 
  • How to create a massive financial legacy for your heirs – tax-free
  • How to capture parabolic growth without risk 
  • How to keep what you make and put your money to work for you
  • And more!


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What if I’m Uninsurable – Will Private Banking Strategies still work for me? (Ep 40)

Private Banking’s foundation is laid upon a carefully structured life insurance contract.  But what if the private banker is uninsurable? How do you implement and capture the benefits of the 7 Pillars of Private Banking when you are not insurable?  

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. provide secrets about how to structure a life insurance contract that allows families to soar with Private Banking no matter what their insurability is.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • The two sources of income: 1. People that work (over and over again to earn their money), and 2. money at work (money works for you) 
  • Why you want to be someone who has your “money at work” working for you
  • Why most people have yet to discover how to make money work for them 
  • How an insurable interest works 
  • How to use an insurable interest in your Private Banking Strategies 
  • The power of compounding interest
  • How to create wealth for the next generation
  • And more!


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