Tag Archives: private banking

Financial Freedom Is Closer Than You Think – Part 1 (Ep. 78)

People are often skeptical when told they can achieve financial freedom by financing their automobiles through their own bank. But once they understand, they’re eager to start. Private Banking Strategies® offers a guaranteed tax-free return, turning car purchases into substantial nest eggs.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies® compare two sisters who financed identical cars using different methods: one saved in a CD, and the other funded her own private bank. The results were striking: the “CD sister” lacked funds when she needed them, while the “Private Banking Strategy sister” had more than enough. This episode demonstrates the stark difference between these strategies and highlights how Private Banking Strategies® can provide financial security and peace of mind.

In this episode, Seth and Vance discuss:

  • The significant differences in each sisters’ outcomes despite equal investments
  • Why one strategy was far more effective
  • How to break free from the cycle of burning cash and lock in your own financial freedom and wealth creation
  • How to structure your own Private Banking Strategy
  • And much more!

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube channel: 

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/ 

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/ 

Unlock the Ultimate Strategy to Create Unlimited Cash Flow (Ep. 75)

Have you ever felt trapped in a financial rut, struggling to keep and use what you make? You’re not alone! With Private Banking Strategies®, you’re not just getting a financial plan – you’re getting the ultimate method to safeguard your money for you and your family. In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., reveal how anyone, regardless of income, can transform what they earn to launch them into strategic wealth creation.

6:58: Prepping for retirement – debunking myths about traditional accounts.

12:25: Reclaim control – make your money work for you.

21:05: Master your personal economy!

29:42: “Can I purchase my debt?” – Unlocking infinite cash flow.

35:05: “Will I outlive my money?” – Planning for a secure retirement.

43:11: Get multiple uses from every dollar.

Watch the full podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube Channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

How to Transform Your Financial Mindset with Infinite Banking (Ep. 74)

Do you ever wonder why some appear financially prosperous while others constantly struggle to save? The answer lies in our society’s misconceptions about how money works and the best strategies to save for an uncertain future. Over the last century, the key difference between the ultra-wealthy and those living paycheck to paycheck has been their approach to managing their money. It’s time to discover the tricks of the mega-rich and uncover the secrets that banks don’t want you to know.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq, delve into the mindset of the ultra-wealthy, exploring the five financial laws to overcome and the three money principles everyone should live by.

Vance and Seth also talk about:

(04:05) Who benefits from infinite banking?

(05:36) Understand “Golden Rule” of budgeting

(09:05) Beware of the “Arrival Syndrome.”

(16:08) Learn how to pay yourself first

(18:18) What is the 10% rule – why is it so important

(23:19) Why you should avoid paying cash for everything

(26:45) The secret banks don’t want you to know

Twin Sister’s financing of automobiles (CD vs. Private Banking Strategy) 


To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Strategies for Managing a Financial Windfall – Part 2 (Ep. 70)

Wouldn’t it be great to keep your windfall income under your control, allowing it to grow tax-free, compounding year after year? Would you like to place your money in an asset-protected “vault” that not only keeps it safe but also lets you access it whenever you need and put it to work? If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, then you’re in the right place.

In part two, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. share their expertise in creating Private Banking Strategies designed to keep your money in your control, ensuring it doesn’t leak out of your pockets. They discuss why setting up your own private bank before you receive a windfall is crucial. With a solid plan, you’re equipped to protect and manage your newfound wealth confidently.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Why a Properly Structured Private Banking Strategy Is Unmatched
  • How to Use Convertible Term Life Insurance
  • Maximizing Your Money’s Velocity
  • Creating More Value with Your Dollar
  • And Much More

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Unlocking Wealth: The Power of Private Banking Strategies (Ep. 65)

Did you know that the banks have a system to always get their money back? You Can Too…with Private Banking Strategies. In the latest episode of Private Banking Strategies, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks give you a taste of how to take the banking equation back in your life to grow and protect your wealth.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How Private Banking Strategies can help you grow, secure and protect your assets
  • What the “herd mentality” is and why successful people avoid it
  • About the “Velocity of Money”

…a system allowing you to use the same dollar more than once through Private Banking Strategies – And more! Tune in to learn more about how to grow your wealth and create the security, privacy and protection you and your family deserve!

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies and download a copy of our E-book, check out www.privatebankingstrategies.com

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Passive Income Network With Guest Vance Lowe (Ep. 60)

On the latest episode of the Passive Income Network Podcast, Vance Lowe sheds some light on the power of Infinite Banking. This unique strategy empowers you to take charge of your assets by leveraging the concept of the “Velocity of Money.” With this approach, you can maximize the use of a single dollar multiple times, unlocking a whole new level of financial control.

This concept is the key to revolutionize your understanding of wealth management! In this episode, Vance provides insight on how traditional retirement funds are ineffective for expanding your assets and how becoming the owner of your own banking policy is an invaluable way to maintain and grow your wealth.

Vance discusses:

Why traditional retirement funds (401K’s) are a scam.

•Understanding the rate-of return – how to put your money to work for you.

•How to make sure that you always win through the power of infinite banking – reusing your assets.

•And more


• How to Grow Rich E-Book / Audiobook : Click here to download:


• Nelson Nash’s book: Becoming Your Own Banker

BlockHash: Exploring the Blockchain – Avoid Heavy Taxation on Your Assets – Part 3 (Ep. 58)

No matter your level of expertise in the cryptocurrency realm, “infinite banking concepts” emerge as the optimal choice for safeguarding any USD obtained from digital currencies.

 Private Banking Strategies® is dedicated to preserving the wealth accumulated through cryptocurrencies, guaranteeing its safety and the opportunity for continuous growth. Establishing a comprehensive life insurance policy delivers the utmost defense against burdensome taxation.

In this installment, Seth Hicks, Esq., explores the advantages of utilizing whole life insurance for acquired USD and sheds light on how this strategy can reshape your financial path, providing assurance of success across your entire investment portfolio 

Seth discusses:

  • Understanding the devaluation of the dollar caused by the national Debt.
  • Unlocking the potential of Infinite Banking Concepts for everyone, not just high net worth individuals.
  • Demystifying the IRS: Your rights and the limits of its financial authority.
  • And more…



Connect with Private Banking Strategies®:


Episode 5 – Put Your Debt to Work for You: Part 1

The first thing we must do on our journey to Financial Freedom is highly value our money.  We do that by putting our money to work for us – not by putting it in a bank and letting the bank put it to work for the bank. 

If we value our money, we won’t let the banks make all the money off our deposits; we will create our own lending process where we put our hard-earned dollars to work for us in a special contract we call “Private Banking Strategies.” 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies share a client story of how a typical American family ended up with a mountain of debt.  They were in total despair until they met Vance and he showed them how Private Banking Strategies could set up an eight-year plan to help this family come completely out of debt.  Not only did they get out of debt, but they became financially free and independently wealthy faster than he and his wife could have ever imagined. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • That even a mountain of debt (almost half a million dollars) could not keep them down when they started using Private Banking Strategies
  • How easy it was for them to work this disciplined plan without working any harder or earning any more money than they already earned
  • How all they had to do was stop giving their money away, put it to work for themselves, and follow the eight-year roadmap Vance provided for them to follow
  • That you can put these same principles to work for yourself! And much more…

Tune in to find out how you can take control of your money, so money doesn’t control you!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks | How we help our Clients, The Chiro Story Video | The Chiro Story Illustrations | How to Grow Rich EBook | How to Grow Rich Audio book


Episode 4 – The Velocity of Money Pillar Number 4 with Private Banking Strategies

Putting a dollar to work and having it return to you over and over again sounds amazing right. It is the Velocity of money that counts, not the interest rates!

In the latest episode of Private Banking Strategies, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks share how to put your money to work for you and  how to multiply the same dollar over and over again and create systems and structure to always get your money back. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • How banks get their money back using the “fractionalized lending” strategy
  • If you should be paying your monthly expenses or lending for your monthly expenses
  • The 10% rule to paying yourself first
  • Why lenders lend money to create “exponential compounding”
  • And more!

Tune in to hear more on Private Banking Strategies fourth Pillar the “Velocity of Money” .

Resources: | Private Banking Strategies | (817) 200-4777 | Podcast Email | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks |



Episode 3 – Why You Need to Learn About Private Banking Strategies

Did you know that the banks have a system to always get their money back? You Can Too…with Private Banking Strategies.

In the latest episode of Private Banking Strategies, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks give you a taste of how to take the banking equation back in your life to grow and protect your wealth.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How Private Banking Strategies can help you grow, secure and protect your assets
  • What the “herd mentality” is and why successful people avoid it
  • About the “Velocity of Money” …a system allowing you to use the same dollar more than once through Private Banking Strategies
  • And more!

Tune in to learn more about how to grow your wealth and create the security, privacy and protection you and your family deserve!

Resources: | Private Banking Strategies | (817) 200-4777 | Podcast Email | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks |