Tag Archives: BankFailures

How to Leverage Debt & Build Wealth – Part 3 | Episode 109

Can a privatized banking strategy transform your financial future? For Mr. Chiro and his family, the results were life-changing! They crushed over $500,000 in debt and reached financial freedom in just 73 months.

In this episode,Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., reveal thefinal chapterof this powerful success story. Learn howstrategic cash flow management, asset protection, and wealth-building principleshelped this family break free from financial burdens and multiply their wealth.

Vance and Seth discuss:

✅ How to break free from the limitations of traditional banks
✅ The step-by-step process to start your own private bank
✅ Why you don’t need a massive fortune to implement this proven financial strategy



— To Watch This Episode, Please Visit the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube Channel — 



Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:


Beat Inflation and Slash Your Taxes | Episode 100

With inflation surging, securing a prosperous financial future may seem out of reach for many. However, there’s a proven strategy to protect your hard-earned wealth from over-taxation while maximizing growth and compounding opportunities. Through the power of infinite banking, you can not only grow your financial assets tax-efficiently and penalty-free but also create a substantial cash reserve for retirement and build lasting generational wealth.

In this episode of the Private Banking Strategies Podcast, financial expert Vance Lowe and attorney Seth Hicks, Esq., delve into the current inflationary crisis—leaving many Americans grappling with mounting debt—and reveal how establishing your own private banking system can fortify your financial security in uncertain times.


Vance and Seth discuss:

  •  Breaking Down National Debt and Inflation Challenges
  •  Building a Tax-Free Economy: Shielding Wealth from Government Oversight
  •  Leveraging Private Banking Strategies to Counter Inflation and Tax Hikes
  •  Maximizing Whole Life Contracts: Unlocking Money Reusability


To watch this episode, please visit the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube Channel:


To Schedule an Exploratory Call with Vance, Click the Link Below:


To learn more about Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book today:



Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/ 

Vance’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

How to Protect Yourself from Bank Failures and Bail Ins (Ep 45)

We’ve been preparing you for this type of event for years, sharing our Private Banking Strategies® with you so you can protect yourself from bank failures and bail-ins.  The second largest bank failure in US history just occurred.  Silicon Valley Bank went under, and the common man was the last to know while bank executives and large institutional investors got out fast before everyone else.  

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explore the cause of the Silicon Valley Bank failure. They explain why the inflationary printing of money, and the fractionalized lending of centralized banks are doomed to fail – and take all of those who trust in these systems down as well.   

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • One simple way you can protect yourself and your money
  • Why this event should be a wake-up call for Americans to protect themselves
  • Why Private Banking Strategies® is the safest place to put your cash
  • And more


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