Category Archives: Money

The Ultimate Wealth Building Strategy – Part 1 (Ep. 83)

Consider this: Are you currently where you want to be financially? You might be curious if there’s a more effective way to manage and grow your cash, or if there are little-known strategies the wealthy use, but rarely discuss. The reality is, even if you’re skilled at earning money, reaching your financial goals can be challenging without the right knowledge and foundational principles for managing and growing it.

In this episode of the Private Banking Strategies Podcast, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., reveal the wealth-building principles they’ve used for decades to help guide their clients towards financial freedom.


Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • Understanding the 10% Rule and Its Importance for Financial Success
  • The Strategy of Paying Yourself First
  • Earning Like the Banks: A Guide to Financial Growth
  • Differentiating Luxuries from Necessities: Insights from Parkinson’s Law
  • Recognizing and Overcoming the Arrival Syndrome


To watch this episode, please visit the Private Banking Strategies YouTube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book: 

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: 

Vance’s Linked In: 

How to Escape Today’s Economic Decline – Part 3 (Ep. 82)

Picture this: You open an account that not only safeguards your money but allows you to borrow against it, enabling you to repay yourself with interest while enjoying a guaranteed rate of return. Whether you’re refinancing a loan, buying a home, or planning for retirement, a whole life policy contract provides assured growth and privacy.

In this episode of the Private Banking Strategies podcast, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., explore the power of guaranteed compounding as a cornerstone of infinite banking and wealth creation.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How wealth within your private bank will never decrease.
  • Understanding how the average rate of return is a mathematical calculation that reveals specific outcomes.
  • Guaranteed financing – ensured liquidity of the funds accumulated in your policy
  • Example of self-financing through Private Banking Strategies®.
  • We can show you how to reclaim 100% of your monthly expenses.
  • How these policies are passed down from generation to generation.


To watch our podcast, visit the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book: 

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: 

Vance’s Linked In: 

How to Escape Today’s Economic Decline – Part 2 (Ep. 81)

Do you ever worry about the privacy and safety of your money in banks? You’re not alone! Many people don’t realize how exposed their deposits are to government oversight. Plus, the banks’ profit-generating practices can contribute to economic inflation – opening you up to risk.

At Private Banking Strategies®, we empower you to become your own bank through a personalized private banking system. It’s time to maximize the potential of your money by leveraging the power of infinite banking and build your own thriving, private economy.

In this episode, Seth and Vance discuss:

  • How Banks Serve as Agents of the Federal Government
  • How to Attain Financial Privacy with Well-Structured Whole Life Policies
  • Private Banking System Vs. Traditional Wealth Management
  • How to Reclaim 100% of Your Monthly Expenses Using the Velocity of Money
  • How to Purchase Your Debt: Understanding the Volume of Interest vs. Interest Payments



To watch our podcast, visit the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube channel


To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book: 

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: 

Vance’s Linked In: 

Financial Freedom Is Closer Than You Think – Part 1 (Ep. 78)

People are often skeptical when told they can achieve financial freedom by financing their automobiles through their own bank. But once they understand, they’re eager to start. Private Banking Strategies® offers a guaranteed tax-free return, turning car purchases into substantial nest eggs.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies® compare two sisters who financed identical cars using different methods: one saved in a CD, and the other funded her own private bank. The results were striking: the “CD sister” lacked funds when she needed them, while the “Private Banking Strategy sister” had more than enough. This episode demonstrates the stark difference between these strategies and highlights how Private Banking Strategies® can provide financial security and peace of mind.

In this episode, Seth and Vance discuss:

  • The significant differences in each sisters’ outcomes despite equal investments
  • Why one strategy was far more effective
  • How to break free from the cycle of burning cash and lock in your own financial freedom and wealth creation
  • How to structure your own Private Banking Strategy
  • And much more!

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube channel: 

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book: 

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: 

Vance’s Linked In: 

Boost Your Retirement Savings: A Smarter Way to Secure and Grow Your Money (Ep. 77)

In our modern society, our limited understanding of financial management and the options available to us, often hinders our ability to save adequately for a stable retirement.

Now is the time to reconsider your 401k and other traditional retirement plans and explore alternative methods of managing your finances that offer you more control and tax advantages.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. shed light on how government policies may impede your retirement savings and offer insights on reclaiming financial autonomy for a more secure future.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How to regain control of your savings.
  • The benefits of a tax-free retirement fund
  • How government-qualified retirement plans often exposing you to risk.
  • And much more

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:  

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn:

Vance’s Linked In: