Tag Archives: YouBeTheBank

How to use Private Banking Strategies to Super-Charge Your Real Estate Investments (Ep 47)

In this episode, Seth Hicks, Esq. explains how Private Banking Strategies® can help you create a cash-flowing real estate portfolio which compounds and grows tax-free. Learn how the velocity of money can accelerate your wealth curve.

Seth discusses: 

  • How to create the velocity of money within your own real estate transactions
  • How to accelerate your wealth curve using real estate and Private Banking Strategies®
  • How to avoid the trap of focusing on “interest rates” when purchasing real estate
  • How to amplify your passive cash flow with real estate and Private Banking Strategies®
  • How to use leverage with your Private Banking Strategies®
  • And more

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How to Protect Your Cash Assets in the Midst of Bank Failures (Ep 46)

Derivative lending and fractionalized banking systems are doomed to failure.  This banking system only works if the customers of the bank have confidence in the bank.  If confidence evaporates, the depositors “run on the bank” and try to get their money out as fast as possible. This is exactly what happened in the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank only weeks ago.  

In this episode Seth Hicks, Esq. explains why you want to create your own banking system and generate the velocity of money for yourself instead of allowing banks to make money off of your deposits.  Not only is your money asset protected in your own Private Banking Strategy® but you can generate wealth the same way banks do. 

Seth discusses: 

  • What fractional reserve banking is and how it puts you at risk
  • How the velocity of money can work for you 
  • The fallacy of interest rates
  • And more


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How to Protect Yourself from Bank Failures and Bail Ins (Ep 45)

We’ve been preparing you for this type of event for years, sharing our Private Banking Strategies® with you so you can protect yourself from bank failures and bail-ins.  The second largest bank failure in US history just occurred.  Silicon Valley Bank went under, and the common man was the last to know while bank executives and large institutional investors got out fast before everyone else.  

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explore the cause of the Silicon Valley Bank failure. They explain why the inflationary printing of money, and the fractionalized lending of centralized banks are doomed to fail – and take all of those who trust in these systems down as well.   

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • One simple way you can protect yourself and your money
  • Why this event should be a wake-up call for Americans to protect themselves
  • Why Private Banking Strategies® is the safest place to put your cash
  • And more


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How to Avoid the Retirement Trap – 8 reasons to take control of your retirement (Ep 44)

Retirement should be a time that we look forward to with security and peace, but it is often a trap for the unwary.  People often come to us concerned about their retirement, especially after learning about the instability of Social Security and other government retirement plans which they thought were dependable. 

How do you protect yourself? The solution lies in taking control of your retirement.

Do you really want the government to control your retirement through Social Security, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, and other such plans? Or do YOU want to control your money, with complete liquidity in a tax-free environment with no penalties?

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explain 8 ways that Private Banking Strategies® empowers you to take control of your wealth and avoid the retirement trap.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How Private Banking Strategies® provides guaranteed, predictable growth with no risk to you. You have no market risk whatsoever. 
  • Why the value in your account never decreases; it only increases! 
  • The massive tax advantages of creating your own Private Banking Strategy.
  • How you can have complete liquidity with no penalties for early withdrawals, for late withdrawals, or any forced distributions.  
  • Why traditional retirement plans can’t compare to Private Banking Strategies®
  • And more


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The Generational Wealth Waterfall (Ep 43)

The generational wealth you can create with Private Banking Strategies® is astounding. In past podcasts, we’ve explained the power of compounding interest and why Albert Einstein called it the “eighth wonder of the world.”

In this episode, we dive into an illustration that shows you the power of Private Banking Strategies® to create generational wealth and pass great wealth from parents to children, from children to grandchildren, and so on – all tax-free. Learn how you can create a structure that secures your family legacy without working any harder. In this illustration, a minimal amount of $2,000 is put to work for 22 years creating a multi-million-dollar cash value for retirement along with a multi-million-dollar legacy to the next generation – See the power of compounding interest at work! 

(Take a look at the Resource below entitled “The Generational Wealth Waterfall Numbers” to track numbers as we discuss this illustration)

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • Details surrounding how to create and implement your own generational waterfall
  • Vance’s personal experience implementing this strategy
  • Why the Rockefellers placed so much importance on keeping money in the family
  • And more


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Private Banking Strategies® Always Wins! – You Can’t Get a Higher Rate of Return (Ep 42)

A common misconception that people have is that they think that they can get a higher rate of return with “some other” investment.  

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. demonstrate why Private Banking Strategies always wins when you practice self-banking.  They demonstrate how to take the banking equation back into your life and factor self-banking into the analysis of your yield.  With tax-free growth, tax-free distributions, and tax-free re-payments into your banking system, you always outperform other opportunities – and without any market risk whatsoever! 

Follow them as they explain the difference between average rate of return and yield, and how not to be duped into taking on the risk associated with the stock market. Private Banking Strategies ® is about yield – money coming into your account and never going backward; you never lose cash value; you can’t lose your money; and there is never any market risk. It is a long-term strategy, not an investment. 

Listen as Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • The difference between yield and average rate of return 
  • How the average rate of return has nothing to do with the actual increase of money in your account and is therefore meaningless. 
  • What a generational wealth waterfall is and how it can work for you
  • How you can create a massive financial legacy without working any harder and simply putting this structure to work for your family
  • And more!


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Expanding Your Private Bank to Meet ALL Income (Ep 39)

As life goes on, things change, including the income you bring home. How does your private bank expand and contract with those changes?

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. share the answers to five common questions people ask about how much money to put in their private bank. Nelson Nash’s answer to this question shocks most people…until they understand banking and how the velocity of money accelerates their wealth.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  •  Why you must restructure “who gets the payment” so that you can capture the velocity of money – and beat the banks at their own game!
  • Why getting the velocity of money working in your favor is the 1st step to your wealth accumulation strategy
  • How a 5% mortgage interest rate becomes an effective 60-70% mortgage interest rate over the life of a 30-year mortgage (interest rate vs. volume of interest)
  • And more


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How to Structure a Private Family Bank Part 2 (Ep 38)

Structuring a Private Family Bank is an art and a science requiring a specialist in private banking. And the operation of your Private Family Bank requires some simple changes in the way you see and use your money. Once you “get it” you will never be the same and your wealth potential can skyrocket. 

In the second part of this two-part series, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. continue with explaining how to structure and operate a Private Family Bank.

Join Vance and Seth to discuss:

  • Why private banking is not a short-term strategy
  • What it means to reach 100% efficiency in your private bank
  • Laddering, and how it is used in the velocity of money
  • And more


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How to Structure a Private Family Bank Part 1 (Ep. 37)

Structuring a Private Family Bank requires a carefully structured participating mutual whole life contract with an insurance carrier that understands, and caters to, private banking. The insurance company and the terms of the contract you structure are both critical components of your private banking system. 

Today in part one, of this two-part series, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. cover five of the ten rules to follow when structuring a Private Family Bank.

Join and Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Why it’s critical to know how to structure the policy correctly
  • Why you never use Universal Live or Indexed Life Policies to create a Private Family Bank
  • The basic components of a Private Family Bank banking contract
  • Why you don’t chase cash value in your structure
  • And more


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Overcome Behaviors That Keep YOU From Being Wealthy Part 2 (Ep 36)

What if you could reprogram your brain to enable you to be more successful?

According to Nelson Nash, humans unfortunately share some bad habits that hamstring their wealth potential. What if you could rewire your mind to re-learn how money really works and blast-off into new dimensions of wealth?

In the second part of this two-part series, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explore how money works in a private banking system.

Tune in to hear Vance and Seth discuss: 

  •  The Golden Rule – What is it and how does it impact your financial future?
  •  Arrival Syndrome and false programming
  •  The “Use it or Lose it” Rule
  • And more


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