Tag Archives: LegacyWealth


11. Can You Retire Financially Free and Independently Wealthy simply by self-financing your automobiles? Twin Sisters Part 2

Most people think that paying cash or using 0% auto financing is the best you can do when purchasing a car. Not So!  You can finance your vehicles on your own terms, through your own bank – and best of all – create a rock-solid retirement plan in the same stroke.  

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies pick up right where they left off in the previous episode and proceed to dissect the two twin sisters’ drastically different outcomes achieved when they “self-financed” their identical automobiles. They share with you the bigger picture of how different these sisters’ retirement nest eggs came out from using their different approaches: one sister came away with a $250K nest egg which gave her $50K a year for 5 years at retirement age while the other sister came away with a $1 Million dollar nest egg and $50K a year for the rest of her life in retirement income – oh yeah, and a $1.4 Million dollar inheritance in legacy value to her heirs.  

Learn how simple auto financing can evolve into a retirement plan that blows your mind! 

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • Reversing the outflow of money to cash “inflow” – getting multiple touches on the same dollar 
  • Using the velocity of money to generate uninterrupted compounding interest – tax free! 
  • Learn how the compounding nature of a Private Banking Strategy gives you the lift and momentum to carry you through retirement with financial security and peace of mind
  • How the Private Banking Strategies sister became financially free and independently wealthy without working harder or earning more.
  • And more…


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Episode 10 – Can You Retire Financially Free and Independently Wealthy Simply by Self-Financing Your Automobiles? Twin Sisters Part 1

People quizzically nod when told they can retire financially free just by financing their automobiles through their own bank.  But when the light bulb actually comes on, they are chomping at the bit to start this strategy NOW!  Anyone who buys an automobile will want to use Private Banking Strategies to get a guaranteed tax-free return that blossoms into a mind-blowing rock-solid nest egg.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies share how two sisters financed identical vehicles with two different strategies: one by saving up in a CD; and the other by funding her own private bank.  Follow this long-term plan to see how using these two seemingly similar methods of financing automobiles yielded drastically different results – one which left the “CD sister” without enough money when she needed it most and the other “Private Banking Strategy sister” who had more than enough when she needed it.  The difference is astounding – not knowing how you will make it in your ladder years vs. financial security and peace of mind to know you will always have enough… with plenty left over for your heirs.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The great difference between each sister’s strategy despite the fact that they both put the same amounts to work in their respective strategies
  • Why the results were so drastically different
  • How to stop the slave cycle of burning cash and get the tailwind of Private Banking Strategies to lock in your own financial freedom and wealth creation
  • How you can structure your own Private Banking Strategy 
  • And much more

Tune in to discover how to secure your financial freedom through simple auto financing!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Private Banking Strategies FB | Private Banking Strategies Twitter | Private Banking Strategies IG | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks | How to Grow Rich E-Book  | How to Grow Rich Audio book | Automobile Financing – Video | Automobile Financing Illustrations | The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?


Episode 9 – Waking Up to the Glory of Private Banking Strategies: Susie Q Part 2

Most people don’t think it’s even possible to escape the cycle of debt in their lives.  Not to mention the herd mentality of banking that they don’t even know they’ve been brainwashed to follow. Suzie Q and her father (who was a banker) broke free. In a little more than 5 years, Suzie Q had eaten about $200,000 in debt for breakfast, started three separate banking businesses, had $3,100 in monthly passive income coming in, and was flying on the tailwind of her Private Banking Strategies.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies pick up right where they left off in the previous episode and proceed to explain the pillars of Private Banking Strategies that lifted Suzie Q to financial freedom and independent wealth.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How Suzie Q was red-pilled to learn that she had been conditioned to use branch banking when she could have been using her own Private Banking Strategies
  • How easy it was for her to establish her own Private Banking Strategy and begin to get multiple touches on the same dollars (“velocity of money”) 
  • How she put her idle money to work for her and was able to create passive income tax-free year after year 
  • And more!

Tune in to hear Vance and Seth share some key takeaways of how Suzie Q made a break for financial freedom and independent wealth!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks | How to Grow Rich E-Book  | How to Grow Rich Audio book | The Banker’s Daughter – Suzie Q Video | The Suzie Q Story Illustrations | Ep 8 – Breaking Free from the Herd Mentality: Susie Q Part 1


Episode 8 – Breaking Free from the Herd Mentality: Susie Q Part 1

The first thing we must understand is that most people suffer from the “herd mentality” and have been brainwashed to think they have to use branch banks to store their cash. 

When you do things with the herd you remain a slave to the system and generally end up getting slaughtered. What if there was a better way? Well, there is…

Private Banking Strategies uses a 200-year-old “secret” contract to take the banking equation back into your life so that you can make the money that banks have been making off you.  You can implement the principles of “velocity of money” and tax-free growth to get the lift and tailwind which accelerate you into financial freedom faster than you ever imagined.  

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies share a client story of how a typical family could not see themselves ever getting out of debt. Suzie Q was in a world of hurt following the herd mentality until she discovered she could do something different.  Private Banking Strategies set up an eight-year plan showing her step by step how to get out of debt and into the win column. Not only did Suzie Q break free but she was able to help the rest of her family break free from the herd mentality as well – and her father was the president of a branch bank!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Suzie Q broke free from the ‘herd mentality’ and into financial freedom
  • How you can take back the banking equation in your life and start to reap the rewards of multiple touches on the same dollar
  • How Susie Q didn’t have to work harder or earn more money – all she had to do was put her money to work for herself in her own Private Banking Strategy, capture the velocity of money, and follow the eight-year road map laid out for her.
  • How you can put these same principles to work without working harder or earning more! 
  • And much more…

Tune in to find out how to break free from the ‘herd mentality’ and find your way into financial freedom!

Resources: (817) 200-4777 | | Private Banking Strategies | Schedule an exploratory call | Vance Lowe | Seth Hicks | The Banker’s Daughter – Suzie Q Video | The Suzie Q Story Illustrations