Category Archives: Uncategorized


3 Rules to Becoming Successful – Part 1 (Ep 30)

Almost everyone has the life goal of being financially independent, but how do you get there? There are 3 rules you need to follow above all else to grow and protect your wealth.

In the first part of this two-part series, Vance and Seth explain why it’s critical to pay yourself first. They discuss the missed opportunities most people don’t realize they have while not implementing the 10% rule into their financial plan.

Vance, and Seth discuss: 

  • The 10% rule and why it works to ensure you’re successful 
  • The importance of paying yourself first
  • Why you never spend principal
  • How Murphy’s Law and Parkinson’s Law come into play
  • And more


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Precious Metals in an Inflationary Culture with Guest Andy Schectman Pt. 2 (Ep 29)

Learn how to develop a rock-solid plan to keep your wealth safe in an inflationary economic period. After 30 plus years of purchasing precious metals every other week, and over 7 billion in precious metals transactions for clients, Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin, explains how you can develop a strategy to accumulate and protect your wealth.  

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. complete the two-part series with guest Andy Schectman, building off of the foundation laid in part one. They discuss how buying precious metals fits into a private banking strategy with financial privacy and security.  Andy is a US Mint authorized reseller who brings an unparalleled wealth of knowledge to our podcast. 

Andy, Vance, and Seth discuss: 

  •  The most practical precious metal to have when you need to use it
  • The types of metals to buy and in what quantities
  •  The truth about counterfeiting gold and silver in the US
  •  How much precious metal in your portfolio is enough
  • And more


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Precious Metals in an Inflationary Culture with Guest Andy Schectman Pt. 1. (Ep 28)

It’s no secret that inflation over the past few years has been increasing at a baffling rate. The cost of things like food, gas and real estate have skyrocketed. This leaves many with the question of where to put your money to be safe and not lose purchasing power during this inflationary period.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. have guest Andy Schectman, President of Miles Franklin, answering this very question. They discuss the difference between making an investment and buying wealth, the current inflationary climate, and where the US dollar is headed.

Andy, Vance, and Seth discuss: 

  • The current Federal reserve policy regarding money 
  • The inflationary effect caused from the printing of money
  • The potential devaluation of the US dollar 
  • Andy’s predictions of the timeframes surrounding the inflationary effect and devaluation of the US dollar
  • Why we need precious metals as a part of your private banking portfolio
  • And more…

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Special Guest Appearance on Financial Investing Radio with Grant Larsen (Ep 27)

On this special guest episode, Seth Hicks, Esq. explores the 7 Pillars of Private Banking Strategies® with Grant Larsen. 

Grant and Seth discuss how Private Banking Strategies® help you accomplish: 

  1. Asset Protection 
  2. Tax-Free Growth 
  3. Financial Privacy 
  4. The “Velocity of Money” – Multiple Touches on the Same Dollar
  5. Guaranteed Compounding Tax Free Growth – the value can NEVER GO BACKWARDS 
  6. Guaranteed Financing 
  7. Legacy Value – Tax-Free transfer to heirs 

On this episode, we illustrate some real-life examples of how to implement these little-known secrets into your wealth strategies. You don’t want to miss out on this special episode! 


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How Private Banking Strategies® Can Achieve Your Asset Protection Goals (Ep. 26)

In order to keep what you make; you need to implement Asset Protection strategies. To see different wealth results, you must do something differently than you are currently doing. Taking time to learn how money works, how money grows and how money is protected, will completely change your wealth and your family legacy.  In this episode, we reveal how to keep your assets protected while utilizing the velocity of money to grow family wealth exponentially. 

And we build upon the conversation in Episode 25 – “Is Your Cash Protected in a Normal Bank Account?” by discussing how to achieve asset protection with Private Banking Strategies®.  We get into real life examples and illustrations with cash, real estate, investments, and other business assets and show you how easy it is to achieve financial freedom and independence.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • Examples of how the Private Banking Strategies® work in different situations no matter where you are financially 
  • How Real Estate and Private Banking Strategies® work together 
  • How you can set up Private Banking Strategies® and reap the benefits of the velocity of money on your real estate, your business, and your investment assets
  • And more


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Is Your Cash Protected in a Normal Bank Account? (Ep. 25)

Some folks think that simply depositing their cash into a bank account protects their cash. But is your money in a regular bank account really protected? How protected is your cash if that bank becomes insolvent? 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. discuss the first pillar of the private banking strategy, Asset Protection. 

Vance and Seth lay the foundation on how to protect your cash while maintaining cash liquidity. By understanding the asset protection pillar of the private banking strategy, you can begin to dig deeper into choosing better options for your cash and create an asset protection structure that is bullet proof.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • How to easily put your cash into an asset protected vault
  • How to put your money to work in an asset protected structure without any taxable event
  • Why the Dodd-Frank Act has nothing to do with “consumer protection” 
  • What the Dodd-Frank Act allows centralized banks to do with your money
  • Why FDIC insurance is a false security 
  • How centralized banks effectively act as an agent for the government
  • And more


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18. If I dump my 401K, IRA, or other government qualified plan, where do I place my retirement money? Let us show you…

You don’t have to play in a retirement sandbox where all the rules are stacked against you, where the government controls all the toys in the sandbox, and where ultimately, it’s “tails you lose and heads they win,”. 

There is a far better solution to the 401K, IRA or other government sponsored retirement plan. We’re talking about a solution that provides complete liquidity, no taxation, total access, and complete control of your retirement money through a carefully structured high cash value whole life insurance contract. 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explain the use of this superior alternative to your 401(k), IRA, or Roth for the most efficient way to beat the bank, increase your wealth and rest securely knowing your retirement nest egg is safe, secure, and predictable. 

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • Using your own Private Banking Strategy to take advantage of investment opportunities in real estate or business 
  • How to multiply your stored wealth to grow and compound that wealth in a tax advantage strategy with financial privacy and complete control of your money 
  • How you can capitalize on any opportunity with this strategy
  • How to get multiple touches on the same dollar and put your cash flow to work for your in a leveraged return
  • What it looks like to withdraw money out of your private banking strategy 
  • How to amplify the “velocity of money” by capturing your investment cashflow back into your family bank for multiplied returns 
  • And more 


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17. Why You Should Dump Your 401K as Fast As Possible

Most working people participate in traditional government-sponsored retirement programs like 401K’s, IRA’s or 403B’s.   They really don’t know why they are participating in such programs other than “it’s what everyone else is doing” or “my employer is making contributions, so I have free money.”  

But that’s where the big misconception is – the money in these qualified plans is not really “your money”! 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. explain why you should dump your 401(k) as fast as possible and let you know there are alternatives that provide complete liquidity, control, and predictability.  

Vance and Seth discuss:  

  • Why the 401(k) money you saved is NOT your money 
  • The faulty herd mentality of why people participating in the 401(k), IRA or other qualified plans are making a big mistake 
  • You have no control over your 401(k) money when you need it most
  • You have no way to predict what will be in your 401(k) when you retire
  • The three primary reasons why your 401(k) is a ticking time bomb
  • And more…

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16. Do you Know How Much Money You Need to Retire Comfortably?

Have you taken the time to calculate the numbers to know how much money you need to retire comfortably?

If you’ve gotten serious about accurate retirement planning, then you need to know how much money you’ll need.

Some people think that $1 Million would do it for them; others think $2 Million, because that would make you a “millionaire” after all, right?

If you think that’s enough, you are sadly mistaken. It’s time to wake up.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. discuss three reasons why you will need to save $3 million––or more to enjoy a decent retirement lifestyle.

Vance and Seth discuss: 

  • How inflation is rapidly eating America’s spending power 
  • How the cost of living increasing heavily impacts people planning to retire
  • The huge expense of accounting for future healthcare costs set to be covered by Americans (not covered by Medicare)
  • And more


  1. Can You Retire Financially Free and Independently Wealthy simply by self-financing your automobiles? Twin Sisters Part 1
  2. Can You Retire Financially Free and Independently Wealthy simply by self-financing your automobiles? Twin Sisters Part 2
  3. Can Your Business cash flow catapult you personally into financial freedom? Paul Bunyan Part 1
  4. Can Your Business cash flow catapult you personally into financial freedom? Paul Bunyan Part 2
  5.  Can Your Business cash flow catapult you personally into financial freedom? Paul Bunyan Part 3

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15. Protecting Your Assets in the “Vault” of Private Banking Strategies®

“It’s not what you make that counts, it’s what you keep that counts.” 

And what you keep entirely depends on having an asset protection plan in place. 

Having an asset protection plan in place is a necessity for those who have cash, real estate, a business or any other asset worth protecting. Fact is, if you have anything of value, you are a target in today’s society! 

… A target for the taxman, aggressive plaintiff’s attorneys, creditors, and thieves…your assets are attractive simply because you have something to take. 

If you have ever been sued or had your bank accounts frozen and sucked dry right before your very eyes, then you know how it can destroy not only your finances, but also your family.  It can rock you emotionally — destroy your confidence, your ability to function or make any money at all to just survive. 

Which is why asset protection is the number one pillar of Private Banking Strategies®. Our clients range from high-net worth individuals, entrepreneurs, investors, to successful family-owned businesses …but they all have one thing in common – they want to legally keep what they’ve earned out of the reach of others who want to take it! 

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. share: 

  • How to create an impenetrable private cash “Vault” of protection with Private Banking Strategies®
  • Why Asset protection is the first pillar of the Private Banking Strategies® 
  • Why your bank deposits in a branch bank are not safe (see the Dodd Frank Act)
  • Why FDIC insurance is not all that it is cracked up to be! …don’t be one of those who get side-swiped
  • How to get tax freedom with complete liquidity in your asset-protected vault 
  • And more…


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