Tag Archives: RetirementPlanning

Financial Freedom Is Closer Than You Think – Part 1 (Ep. 78)

People are often skeptical when told they can achieve financial freedom by financing their automobiles through their own bank. But once they understand, they’re eager to start. Private Banking Strategies® offers a guaranteed tax-free return, turning car purchases into substantial nest eggs.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. of Private Banking Strategies® compare two sisters who financed identical cars using different methods: one saved in a CD, and the other funded her own private bank. The results were striking: the “CD sister” lacked funds when she needed them, while the “Private Banking Strategy sister” had more than enough. This episode demonstrates the stark difference between these strategies and highlights how Private Banking Strategies® can provide financial security and peace of mind.

In this episode, Seth and Vance discuss:

  • The significant differences in each sisters’ outcomes despite equal investments
  • Why one strategy was far more effective
  • How to break free from the cycle of burning cash and lock in your own financial freedom and wealth creation
  • How to structure your own Private Banking Strategy
  • And much more!

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube channel: 

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/ 

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/ 

Boost Your Retirement Savings: A Smarter Way to Secure and Grow Your Money (Ep. 77)

In our modern society, our limited understanding of financial management and the options available to us, often hinders our ability to save adequately for a stable retirement.

Now is the time to reconsider your 401k and other traditional retirement plans and explore alternative methods of managing your finances that offer you more control and tax advantages.

In this episode Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. shed light on how government policies may impede your retirement savings and offer insights on reclaiming financial autonomy for a more secure future.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • How to regain control of your savings.
  • The benefits of a tax-free retirement fund
  • How government-qualified retirement plans often exposing you to risk.
  • And much more

You can also listen to our podcast on the Private Banking Strategies® YouTube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Boost your Cashflow in 2024 – Minimize Tax Responsibilities (Ep. 76)

How well do you understand the tax benefits of whole life insurance policies? At Private Banking Strategies, we specialize in helping policyholders design personalized policies that maximize cash returns through legal agreements.
In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., explore how anyone, regardless of income, can build their own bank and maximize their income through a completely private system!

Vance and Seth Discuss:

(3:50) How to design your own private bank

(7:58) Enjoy tax advantage policies

(16:13) How to achieve substantial cash flow

(27:58) Focus on these key elements to create and grow your wealth

(33:43) This strategy is not just for the wealthy

You can also find our podcast on Private Banking Strategies® Youtube channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Unlock the Ultimate Strategy to Create Unlimited Cash Flow (Ep. 75)

Have you ever felt trapped in a financial rut, struggling to keep and use what you make? You’re not alone! With Private Banking Strategies®, you’re not just getting a financial plan – you’re getting the ultimate method to safeguard your money for you and your family. In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., reveal how anyone, regardless of income, can transform what they earn to launch them into strategic wealth creation.

6:58: Prepping for retirement – debunking myths about traditional accounts.

12:25: Reclaim control – make your money work for you.

21:05: Master your personal economy!

29:42: “Can I purchase my debt?” – Unlocking infinite cash flow.

35:05: “Will I outlive my money?” – Planning for a secure retirement.

43:11: Get multiple uses from every dollar.

Watch the full podcast on the Private Banking Strategies YouTube Channel:

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

How to Transform Your Financial Mindset with Infinite Banking (Ep. 74)

Do you ever wonder why some appear financially prosperous while others constantly struggle to save? The answer lies in our society’s misconceptions about how money works and the best strategies to save for an uncertain future. Over the last century, the key difference between the ultra-wealthy and those living paycheck to paycheck has been their approach to managing their money. It’s time to discover the tricks of the mega-rich and uncover the secrets that banks don’t want you to know.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq, delve into the mindset of the ultra-wealthy, exploring the five financial laws to overcome and the three money principles everyone should live by.

Vance and Seth also talk about:

(04:05) Who benefits from infinite banking?

(05:36) Understand “Golden Rule” of budgeting

(09:05) Beware of the “Arrival Syndrome.”

(16:08) Learn how to pay yourself first

(18:18) What is the 10% rule – why is it so important

(23:19) Why you should avoid paying cash for everything

(26:45) The secret banks don’t want you to know

Twin Sister’s financing of automobiles (CD vs. Private Banking Strategy) 


To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Maximizing Your Income: A Guide to Cost-Effective Spending (Ep. 73)

Every day, we toil tirelessly to secure a better future for ourselves and our families. Yet, a significant portion of our earnings often vanishes into the hands of others, leaving us to repeat the cycle of earning and losing. But there’s hope! You can break free from this unjust financial cycle. It’s time to shift your focus from mere survival to wealth accumulation. In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq, explore banking strategies that empower you to take control of your finances, paving the way to financial independence.

Vance and Seth talk about:

(02:37) The importance of establishing your own banking system.

(06:40) What is the “Velocity of Money” and why is it essential in your life?

(10:40) The methods banks use to profit from your deposits.

(11:31) Creating your own private banking system.

(15:06) The benefits of opting for a private banking strategy contract.

And much more…

Twin Sister’s financing of automobiles (CD vs. Private Banking Strategy) 


To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

How Safe Is Your Cash In a Traditional Bank Account? (Ep. 71)

Many people think that a bank account is the safest place for their money. But what happens to your funds if the bank goes under? If you’re worried about bank failures, you may need to reconsider where to keep your savings.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., discuss the first pillar of the private banking strategy: Asset Protection.

They share strategies for protecting your cash while maintaining easy access to it. Through their discussion of asset protection, you’ll learn how to make better decisions about where to store your money and develop a solid plan to safeguard your assets.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Ways to deploy your money in an asset-protected framework without triggering a taxable event.
  • Why the Dodd-Frank Act isn’t really about “consumer protection.”
  • What the Dodd-Frank Act allows centralized banks to do with your funds.
  • Why FDIC insurance might not be as reliable as it seems.
  • And more…

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

Strategies for Managing a Financial Windfall – Part 1 (Ep. 69)

When properly planned, a windfall can be secured in a way that ensures it stays under your control indefinitely.

Private Banking Strategies can assist you in preserving your earnings and growing them tax-free within a protected structure. Let us demonstrate how you can safeguard substantial windfalls with a strategy that has been favored by the ultra-wealthy for decades.

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq., explain how to approach a windfall, whether it’s from cashing out cryptocurrency, selling a business, receiving an inheritance, or earning a significant bonus. They detail how to establish safe strategies to manage windfalls, keeping them outside the reach of third parties.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Building a windfall strategy that incorporates private banking principles
  • Leveraging IRC 7702 to gain financial privacy with Private Banking Strategies
  • Using traditional bank accounts for convenience without storing substantial wealth there long-term
  • And more

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/

The Best Place for Retirement Money (Ep. 67)

You’re not obligated to participate in a retirement system where the odds are stacked against you, with the government holding all the cards and the outcome always rigged against you.  Opt out of traditional retirement plans like 401(k)s or IRAs and take back the banking equation in your life with complete liquidity, tax-freedom, and absolute control over your cash.

Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq. shed light on structuring alternatives to conventional retirement vehicles. Discover the most effective strategy to outsmart financial institutions, grow your wealth, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a secure and predictable retirement nest egg.

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Using your own Private Banking Strategy to take advantage of investment opportunities in real estate or business
  • How you can capitalize on any opportunity with this strategy
  • How to get multiple touches on the same dollar and put your cash flow to work for your in a leveraged return
  • What it looks like to withdraw money out of your private banking strategy
  •  And more…

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/


It’s Time to Dump Your 401K (Ep. 66)

Many employed individuals engage in conventional government-sponsored retirement programs like 401(k)s, IRAs, or 403(b)s without fully understanding how detrimental they really are to you – the contributor! 

The harsh truth is that you can’t access your money when you want to or need to, you are subject to heavy penalties if you access your money at the wrong time, and you can’t control what the taxation of your account will be in the future.   Let’s talk about a better way to create your nest egg!

Vance and Seth discuss:

  • Why the 401(k) money you saved is NOT your money
  • You have no control over your 401(k) money when you need it most
  • You have no way to predict what will be in your 401(k) when you retire
  • The three primary reasons why your 401(k) is a ticking time bomb
  • And more…

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies®, download a copy of our E-book:


Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

Seth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privatebankingstrategies/

Vance’s Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vancedlowe-rfc-chfc-351479100/