How to Spend Profitably: Turn Your Expenses Into Income (Ep. 62)

Picture this: You work diligently, pouring your time and energy into your job, only to find that a sizable chunk of your earnings goes to everyone else. Then, it becomes a cycle of spending and replacing, with little left over for your financial well-being.

But what if there was a different way to approach this cycle? What if, instead of continuously treading water or sinking further into debt, you could adopt the strategic thinking of a bank to accumulate wealth over time?

In this episode, Vance Lowe and Seth Hicks, Esq, delve into the different strategies and principles employed by banks and demonstrate how applying these concepts to our finances can lead to a journey toward financial freedom.

Vance and Seth talk about:

(02:37) The importance of setting up our own economies

(06:40) What is velocity and why is it crucial to have it occur in our lives?

(10:40) How do banks get their money back?

(11:31) How to set up your own private banking system

(15:06) The advantage of using a private strategy banking contract

Twin Sister’s financing of automobiles (CD vs. Private Banking Strategy)

To learn more about the concepts behind Private Banking Strategies and download a copy of our E-book, check out

Connect with Seth Hicks and Vance Lowe:

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